Sunday, April 12, 2009

Suggestion For Laundry Name

Para no pecar en Semana Santa - Reportaje

Colombia is a very religious country, therefore, the Easter week more or reflecting the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, is celebrated by believers with a special diet and union family. Historically, capital's families use the Thursday and Friday to meet with the family and instead of fasting, enjoy large meals specially prepared chicken and fish.

Since the beginning of the week, the homemakers plan the dishes being cooked, the ingredients and the meat need be used. Kennedy Town in the industry's most recognized and popular among the population the quality of fish is the Plaza de las Flores.

This place is located right next to Corabastos and the Avenue of the Americas, there you can get all kinds of food, vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry and fish. However, give priority to the processing of fish and the health of it. Around the square there are a number of carts in which fish vendors placed in them can be obtained from trout to catfish and sunfish nicuros for all budgets. Logically

carts have no adaptation to refrigerators and cooling systems, however, the only protection from the weather and fish microorganisms in the environment are large blocks of ice, at 2 pm start to melt and allow the meat to have direct contact with the surface of the carts. According to Wilson Jurado, food engineer and manager of Angus Beef "All meat must be refrigerated, depending on whether pork, beef, chicken or fish, it was decided to temperature. However, the most important of the process is not breaking the cold chain for it out to be contaminated by bacteria and microorganisms. "

By detecting and checking the treatment of fish in the sector, he asked one of the housewives who shop there for fish and how he knew that he acquired was a good quality product, Esperanza Rodríguez, commented that "everyone knows that here the fish is fresh, cheap and good, that you realize the brilliance of the eyes and the texture of the scales. I've been buying fish here all my life and I've never had anything. "

Consequently, I purchased a dubious-looking bream (according to my knowledge), to send for microbiological analysis in a specialized laboratory, however, when I got home and found I had to examine in detail all the features a normal crappie and although the circumstances were healthy and in good condition Will sanitation conditions of street vendors from the Plaza de las Flores are suitable for selling fish?

In summary, the average cost of a crappie median is $ 3,000 in Las Flores, while stores such as Carrefour or Success is $ 4,500, which proves that people look to the economy and leave out the way as described fish in the square, because the bottom line is to eat fish in April and above all, no sin, no sin to leave the pocket.

Made by: Natalia Pinilla


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