Thursday, April 30, 2009

Savage2000 S3 Version1.52

Chronicle Becerra, lngeniero

Public Stage: What are the safety measures they should take refrigerators at the time of sacrificing the animal?
Dario Becerra: At the time of death depends on the form of sacrifice, because it can be done in different ways: by electric shock or stroke on the back. The most convenient is the electroshock because the animal does not suffer and not get stressed, when an animal is stressed, the muscles, which are those going to become flesh, the meat tight and gets really hard, which is why it is best to be a fast. Moreover, it is important that when animals are removed from the farm, to do a calm and peaceful, so do not stress.
As for the physical plant must meet certified Good Manufacturing Practices, which is the minimum that should be required, operators must have appropriate clothing (hats, masks), utensils must be completely disinfected, clean; in terms of facilities must meet certain standards that are enshrined in Decree 3075, as the channels must have the floor, they must be easy to clean and disinfect to keep pollution sources are concentrated. Also important is the hand washing, as there are industries that use water re circulation, however, water must be thoroughly cleaned completely sterile.

Public Stage: What health conditions must have the animal upon arrival at the slaughterhouse?
Dario Becerra: should be free of brucellosis, should have a certificate from the Invima or the Ministry of Health, which state that the animal is fully vaccinated, free of brucellosis and is free of communicable diseases.

Public Stage : The animal must pass by a veterinarian before being sacrificed?
Dario Becerra: Some companies require as Guadalupe Fridge to ascertain the health status of the animal and thus verify that no tipi disease.

Public Stage: Under what conditions should transfer the meat after slaughter?
Dario Becerra: Most importantly, do not miss the cold chain, meat should be put to less than 4 ° Celsius and it is essential that all parts of the process is maintained this temperature, it breaks, it will inhibit pathogens that may be harmful.

Public Stage: What conditions should be trucks carrying meat?
Dario Becerra: vans must be fiberglass to insulate heat and keep the cold, it must contain a thermos quin not exceeding 4 ° Celsius and is lit during the time that the meat stays in the vehicle.

Public Stage: The meat should be refrigerated after sacrificing the animal?
Dario Becerra: After cutting, the meat goes into the cold room should be insulated with thick foam and steel foil that helps to keep the cold, also all the utensils used should be stainless steel

Public Stage: What conditions must have the meat to come out of the refrigerator?
Dario Becerra: Before a refrigerator distribute the meat is important to make physical, chemical and microbiological analysis for it to be safe from any bacteria and thus prevent biological risks to consumers from the butchers. Among the physicochemical analysis can analyze the pH, acidity, that there is no breaking enzyme (visual conditions of the meat). In the microbiological tests can be analyzed and the presence of salmonella cherichacolin.
often ordinary people believe that red meat is clearly healthier and better quality than the dark red, however, both colors are a sign of their good, while if the meat turns green, almost black means that a presence of mold.
Written by: Natalia Pinilla and Fernando Barajas


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