Thursday, April 30, 2009

Savage2000 S3 Version1.52

Chronicle Becerra, lngeniero

Public Stage: What are the safety measures they should take refrigerators at the time of sacrificing the animal?
Dario Becerra: At the time of death depends on the form of sacrifice, because it can be done in different ways: by electric shock or stroke on the back. The most convenient is the electroshock because the animal does not suffer and not get stressed, when an animal is stressed, the muscles, which are those going to become flesh, the meat tight and gets really hard, which is why it is best to be a fast. Moreover, it is important that when animals are removed from the farm, to do a calm and peaceful, so do not stress.
As for the physical plant must meet certified Good Manufacturing Practices, which is the minimum that should be required, operators must have appropriate clothing (hats, masks), utensils must be completely disinfected, clean; in terms of facilities must meet certain standards that are enshrined in Decree 3075, as the channels must have the floor, they must be easy to clean and disinfect to keep pollution sources are concentrated. Also important is the hand washing, as there are industries that use water re circulation, however, water must be thoroughly cleaned completely sterile.

Public Stage: What health conditions must have the animal upon arrival at the slaughterhouse?
Dario Becerra: should be free of brucellosis, should have a certificate from the Invima or the Ministry of Health, which state that the animal is fully vaccinated, free of brucellosis and is free of communicable diseases.

Public Stage : The animal must pass by a veterinarian before being sacrificed?
Dario Becerra: Some companies require as Guadalupe Fridge to ascertain the health status of the animal and thus verify that no tipi disease.

Public Stage: Under what conditions should transfer the meat after slaughter?
Dario Becerra: Most importantly, do not miss the cold chain, meat should be put to less than 4 ° Celsius and it is essential that all parts of the process is maintained this temperature, it breaks, it will inhibit pathogens that may be harmful.

Public Stage: What conditions should be trucks carrying meat?
Dario Becerra: vans must be fiberglass to insulate heat and keep the cold, it must contain a thermos quin not exceeding 4 ° Celsius and is lit during the time that the meat stays in the vehicle.

Public Stage: The meat should be refrigerated after sacrificing the animal?
Dario Becerra: After cutting, the meat goes into the cold room should be insulated with thick foam and steel foil that helps to keep the cold, also all the utensils used should be stainless steel

Public Stage: What conditions must have the meat to come out of the refrigerator?
Dario Becerra: Before a refrigerator distribute the meat is important to make physical, chemical and microbiological analysis for it to be safe from any bacteria and thus prevent biological risks to consumers from the butchers. Among the physicochemical analysis can analyze the pH, acidity, that there is no breaking enzyme (visual conditions of the meat). In the microbiological tests can be analyzed and the presence of salmonella cherichacolin.
often ordinary people believe that red meat is clearly healthier and better quality than the dark red, however, both colors are a sign of their good, while if the meat turns green, almost black means that a presence of mold.
Written by: Natalia Pinilla and Fernando Barajas

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Chemical Poisoning by medical recommendations for meat intake


What are the symptoms that a patient may have when you eat rotten meat?

The patient, mainly gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, cramps and general malaise. When you eat meat or sausage to submit bad taste, the reactions are evident and this is the way to associate with symptoms of food poisoning. Usually as a doctor, the patient asked for the background, in this case, the ingested food and so we proceed with the respective diagnosis.

Are the consequences can become larger?

Eating food of this type contains large numbers of organisms that are harmful and offensive to the digestive system and overall patient, it can reach a state of shock when the reactions do not occur immediately. In cases like this is to start treatment in a timely manner.

What are the treatments?

Since the patient has symptoms of diarrhea, it is essential immediately go to hydration, also made antibiotics and antitoxins that help to eradicate the infection, when it is produced by a toxin is a bit difficult to handle the case and it is best to wait until the agency believes the antibody or necessity defense.

Can I file cases involving disability?

That depends on the type of intoxication assault, can sometimes be upset that last day, as may be days or longer.

What are the recommendations to prevent poisonings?

must be chosen very good food, buy the recommended choice meat, make proper processing or cooking of food and refrain from consuming if you have physical states of deterioration. In case of suspected poisoning, it is best to go to the immediate hydration, consult medical diagnosis and never self-medicate.
Cindy Castiblanco, and Catalina Ruiz López Jonattan

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Public Stage Arsecio interviewed Perez, owner of Asadero 5001, located at 13 with Calle 49 Cra; recognized by one of the best selling meat Chapinero sector.

What do you buy meat establishments that will sell in your grill?
I bought it in the fridge San Martin, I consider it the best in the city, specifically in the local Versailles.

How do you recognize a good meat?
The freshness of the meat is very easy to recognize. One must take into account the color that will look fresh meat, the smell and touch, that is not sticky.

What safety measures are taken into account within its premises to preserve their meat?
Storage is the most important. Must be kept in special freezers at least four days for the maturation process is complete. The cleanup measures that are extreme: when we are performing the cuts of meat, one must be very clean in handling. For example, prohibited the entry of outsiders to local when we are performing this procedure and always use the masks.

Do you know any place or Chapinero butcher who sells bad meat?
Not really. The carnage has tended to disappear. People prefer to buy in chain stores or refrigerators recognized.

In the current case of swine flu, the sale of pork has decreased significantly but still maintain safety measures because this type of meat is very delicate. we must also know how to handle the meat.

About how much meat is sold daily in your grill ?
are sold around fifty pounds a day. The part of the rump is the most widely sold its flavor and texture.
By Cindy Castiblanco,
Jonattan López and Catalina Ruiz

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make Your Fingerboard Skatepark


From next April until May 8, will meet in Rockhampton in Queensland state (Australia) producers, cattle breeders and industry stakeholders to participate in the Exhibition of National Beef Australia.

The event, held every three years, will exhibit the best and biggest national competitions stallion, beef and cattle trade. Likewise, develop industry seminars and tours to local cattle properties.

Moreover, national and international exhibitors will display their latest innovations in the industry, from genetics to live cattle and handling of equipment to livestock management software.

The Beef Australia 2009 features, while, the perfect opportunity to make enough contacts to suppliers of the best cattle in the world.

This is an event that surely large farmers in the country will attend to learn and develop at the national level, the most sophisticated technological tools for handling cattle.

If you want to learn more about Beef Australia 2009 to be held in a few days, see
By Catalina Ruiz Parra.

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INVIMA: responsible for food regulation and control

contamination in meat is a problem that touches on many sectors of society, whether in health, welfare group or individual, government and control bodies, to define the problem in a place specified by the research group, the choice of Kennedy leads us to be closer to the hospital in this town and investigate the issue of meat on the health of the residents of Kennedy, and currently registered cases of poisoning.
According to the decree 1500 of Invima, which is the technical regulation through creating the Official System Inspection, Monitoring and Control of Meat, Edible Meat and meat products destined for human consumption and sanitary requirements, the utter stating that government agencies control and surveillance are now very aware of the meat for human consumption, but the flesh is considered a risk to the community because this product is very delicate, government agencies have controlled meats that have been tampered with and altered. Despite claiming to have INVIMA control in the control of the medical internist meat Álvaro Morales says that if there are but few recorded cases "exist, but patients consulting a first level hospital or health centers as it is very controllable, a general practitioner is controlled and not fatalities. "

Although government agencies, according to the 1500 decree said to be very careful for meats that are altered or tampered with, these two terms defined as: The meat is adulterated provided they have or contain a toxic substance, an additive is not authorized to have a rotten substance, obtained in whole or part of an animal that died from causes other than slaughter authorized, have been exposed to radiation. The internist doctor Álvaro Morales says: "One must be careful because it has a consequence in joints, immediate manifestations, patients with infections in the spine, would be seen by brucellosis and more are extradijestiva, it would be arthritis in the spine and lower back pain with inflammatory symptoms, but will recover with antibiotic house. "

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Rapidito that the meat is cool neighbor!

There are many reputations in Bogota that offer meat of the day as customers' request, is a reality that is lived every day in every kitchen fame and Bogota, however, misinformation has reigned in the minds of buyers of meat, probably few people know about what's really on the meat and eat harmful is the intention of this interview is to try not to eat meat, but try to make them understand that most cases this is not in the best conditions for consumption and they just have to be vigilant about the result of contaminated meat.

Refrigerator used Mercedes Arrieta Guadalupe tells us about the true state of cold meats and in Bogotá.

How long does it take the flesh for the cold remove bacteria and viruses?

Mercedes: the meat has to last in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours for bacteria to kill the cold, this time is essential because when cattle are slaughtered comes with bacteria and diseases such as brucellosis that are lethal for human, after all the dying process for the coup de grace that is supplied to livestock, it is processed to skin it and then cut it, finally the refrigerators as the last step in the fridge it is time more important for the treated meat.

Is the time you mention is respected by traders of meat?

Mercedes: No, it is assumed to expect a timely manner, but people like to buy the meat nice and cool as they say many in the famas, owners of the butcher comes to buy meat without refrigeration, so the have to sell to consumers, being aware of the problems caused by the meat without refrigeration.

If they are aware of why they do it? Mercedes

: Because they need the money for sure, and if the customer is in charge there that sell the meat as they say, chilly, just as the People demand that is of the same day as purchased, no way, is to sell fresh, then we walk away from how good or bad to leave the meat for consumption, because everything is the responsibility of the buyer, knowing that is good, and if it is right to wait a little meat is docked, people are directly involved in the health problem that generates the meat not rest in the refrigerator, that is, we do not have the guilt of health condition that leaves people the flesh, but there are times that customers carry it with as much blood and nervous, that is, even looks like no meat was alive and well sell it, as money is what matters to otherwise pay no attention.

What other problems are part of the cooling?

Mercedes: Well, we're close to the river Tunjuelito and the environment is contaminated, hence these bacteria in the air will contaminate the flesh, and the government required to move all that has to do with meat to a cleaner place, the Technology is another issue but we are educating to better manage technology in the process of meat, in fact the problem of grooming before refrigerators had already been settled and refrigerators are much cleaner.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Watching 3d Dvd On Projector

Documentary: Slaughterhouse Santa Martha” – Crítica

This film documents one of the many points of the "Achilles heel" that currently have slaughterhouses in the world not only in terms of safety but in terms of infrastructure and territorial location or zone, since in this case can see the problem that odors emitted from the facility are causing to residents of the sector.

However, if it is true that the treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater is a central point in the field of health, it is also true that there are other aspects that are of vital importance in this regard. For example: the health status of slaughtered animals, treatment of meat after slaughter, the cooling chain and the state of the physical facilities of the plant.

Unfortunately, the film fails in these respects. But we must consider that mistakes are not intentional. On the contrary, are faults in which regularly falls because of the prevention, mistrust and fear that slaughterhouses have to reveal all procedures performed during the production of meat.

However, this should not be an impediment to "scrutinize" the intimacies of establishments producing meat, since there are several alternatives that may be helpful to do a good job of journalism. One possibility is obtaining the appropriate permission to enter the premises, but announcing it is to write an article on meat production, or, if you prefer, get a job in the establishment to have a more real and direct contact with stage.

no doubt, are "tips" somewhat risky, but in the world of journalism, sometimes, certain hazards must be taken to get to the merits.

Moreover, the documentary presents a reality that definitely is alien to us the situation of sanitation in slaughterhouses in Bogota, far different from the negligence of the entities that are supposed to exercise and enforce control procedures in the production of meat.

In summary, the proposal is good documentary evidence about the lack of control by government agencies responsible for monitoring the health and hygiene in the production process. However, evidence is needed, apart from the treatment of sewage, many other shortcomings that have slaughterhouses.
  • Topic: Sewage treatment in slaughterhouses
  • Duration: 5:27 min.
  • Author: Danny Martin Calvo
  • Year: March 15, 2007
By: Fernando Barajas

Monday, April 20, 2009

How Does Usb Mini Fridge Work


" In Colombia, there are approximately 1,644 establishments for the slaughter of cattle, regulated by the 1500 decree imposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2007 "says the farmer Carlos Augusto Guerrero.

This provides for the creation of the Official System Inspection, Monitoring and Control of Meat and Meat products, intended for human consumption and health requirements for primary production, deboning the cutting, processing, storage, transportation, marketing, profit, sale, import or export.

"By April of this year to the infrastructural facilities, operational procedures, medication management, control of pathogens and hygiene activities in cattle, the INVIMA they approve or disapprove the Plans Gradual Compliance (PGC)," said Guerrero.

PGC If approved, the beef slaughter plants phased implementation plans submitted within 3.5 years to fulfill all the requirements of Decree and the Technical Regulations. But if on the contrary, the plan is not submitted or does not meet the requirements set, plants can not operate.

"This decree is of vital importance, because according to Article 78 of the Constitution of Colombia, the State is obliged to regulate the quality control of goods and services offered and provided to citizens," said Guerrero, adding "in this case, the state is responsible for the production and marketing of meat products and derivatives that jeopardize the health, safety and supply to consumers. "

By Catalina Ruiz Parra

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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• Meat should be kept in cold storage for the preservation and temperature to remove the bacteria that have meat.
• The most common cases of poisoning are due to meat.
• Meat is a product that brings more bacteria from the animal alive.
• Currently, the meat is sold to the public with only a few hours after killing the animal and that's not right.
• Meat must enter a rest period of at least 24 hours to be sold.
• In Colombia, the major drawback that is the subject of meat is the way environment where it is treated by the air pollution is.
• meat with an expiration date passed should be relabelled and returned to the market circuits in Colombia does not meet this requirement.
• Salmonellosis is an infection due to organisms of the genus Salmonella, by consuming contaminated food or drink especially meat and may have fever and severe pain syndromes stomach.
• Brucellosis is another disease that affects humans and can be treated with antibiotics, the infection system is in meat and that once enters humans through the consumption of bad meat produce human brucellosis.

by: Castillo López Jonattan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Suggestion For Laundry Name

Para no pecar en Semana Santa - Reportaje

Colombia is a very religious country, therefore, the Easter week more or reflecting the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, is celebrated by believers with a special diet and union family. Historically, capital's families use the Thursday and Friday to meet with the family and instead of fasting, enjoy large meals specially prepared chicken and fish.

Since the beginning of the week, the homemakers plan the dishes being cooked, the ingredients and the meat need be used. Kennedy Town in the industry's most recognized and popular among the population the quality of fish is the Plaza de las Flores.

This place is located right next to Corabastos and the Avenue of the Americas, there you can get all kinds of food, vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry and fish. However, give priority to the processing of fish and the health of it. Around the square there are a number of carts in which fish vendors placed in them can be obtained from trout to catfish and sunfish nicuros for all budgets. Logically

carts have no adaptation to refrigerators and cooling systems, however, the only protection from the weather and fish microorganisms in the environment are large blocks of ice, at 2 pm start to melt and allow the meat to have direct contact with the surface of the carts. According to Wilson Jurado, food engineer and manager of Angus Beef "All meat must be refrigerated, depending on whether pork, beef, chicken or fish, it was decided to temperature. However, the most important of the process is not breaking the cold chain for it out to be contaminated by bacteria and microorganisms. "

By detecting and checking the treatment of fish in the sector, he asked one of the housewives who shop there for fish and how he knew that he acquired was a good quality product, Esperanza Rodríguez, commented that "everyone knows that here the fish is fresh, cheap and good, that you realize the brilliance of the eyes and the texture of the scales. I've been buying fish here all my life and I've never had anything. "

Consequently, I purchased a dubious-looking bream (according to my knowledge), to send for microbiological analysis in a specialized laboratory, however, when I got home and found I had to examine in detail all the features a normal crappie and although the circumstances were healthy and in good condition Will sanitation conditions of street vendors from the Plaza de las Flores are suitable for selling fish?

In summary, the average cost of a crappie median is $ 3,000 in Las Flores, while stores such as Carrefour or Success is $ 4,500, which proves that people look to the economy and leave out the way as described fish in the square, because the bottom line is to eat fish in April and above all, no sin, no sin to leave the pocket.

Made by: Natalia Pinilla

Weakness Of Hair Salon

¿Carne buena, bonita y barata? - Reportaje

meat samples sold in the Plaza de Las Flores
Photo: Fernando Barajas

legs, backs and viscera without refrigeration, lying on canvas wood or simply in plastic baskets is the landscape of the area meat market square "Las Flores" located on the north side of Corabastos, town of Kennedy. This supplier of food is one of the most recognized and highlighted in a matter of meats. However, in terms of quality can not say the same thing. Public Stage

visited the area of \u200b\u200bmeat, on 11 April, and found that much of the meat distributors sell their products without refrigeration, ie outdoors.

"A butcher's INVIMA, are required to maintain constant refrigeration of meat, do not miss the chain cold-not to exceed 4 degrees Celsius, "says Dario Becerra, a chemical engineer Sibema Processed Foods.

However, the reputations of "Las Flores" offer their products outside the freezer and close to local vegetables, legumes, fruits and vegetables, which issued strong odors. Additionally, the meat sold in this distribution has hard texture, porous, black-brown.

This is not a good indication of safety or quality, and indicates Dario Becerra: "When the meat turns black and dark green, it indicates the presence of mold. Moreover, the mere fact that it remains in an environment where there are pests (mosquitoes and sancudos) and strong odors can create changes in the microbial composition, leading to bacteria such as brucellosis and Salmonella. "

Despite the poor conditions are preserved meat products, consumers and housewives and reputations to owners of other sectors of the town of Kennedy prefer to buy in this market place: "I like to buy meat here because there's more variety and more spic is like that elsewhere, "said the housewife Hilma Luz Sanabria.

"To purchase wholesale meat is best buy in 'Las Flores' because there is more variety in the product and is also much cheaper than IRLA to buy in large refrigerators, "says Carlos Pulido, owner of meat distributor 'The Central'.

Finally, Public Stage, during his tour, he visited a reputation in this marketplace and purchased a portion of meat, it seems, is in poor condition (see picture). For now, this sample will be sent and analyzed in the next few days the food lab, AMC, to perform the respective microbiological analysis.

By: Fernando Barajas

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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This bird-skinned, easily digested and versatility at the time of its preparation, is one of the most consumed foods in the capital.

is economically relative to other types of meat such as fish or pork and requires special care for preservation and distribution.
Chicken meat can easily become contaminated with microorganisms, pathogens is harmful to human health. These vary depending on the type and amount of pollutants that usually are acquired in handling during slaughter, the type of transport and / or the pollution of breeding sites of birds. Among the known pathogens this Salmonella.
is necessary to take control and ensure the safety of the food to prevent foodborne illness, especially in these days of Easter where demand for chicken increases. For this reason, Public Stage was in Distri chickens Market Square neighborhood July 20 and the Central the Veleñita Meat, located in the area of \u200b\u200bBogota Abastos , speaking with experts in the field and in order to provide consumers with important tips to consider:

When buying chicken, you can find different forms of food, whether the bird whole, including the skin, or as individual components and completely gutted. "To detect that a chicken is fresh skin should be white without any spots and should not be sticky, so it is necessary to detect the smell of food is not disgusting," said Javier Bustamante , Distri butcher chickens. Green or purple appearance in the flesh, the dark tone and mucus in the wings and neck show clear signs that meat is not fresh. "The raw chicken and eviscerated, being in the fridge, do not stay there more than 2 or 3 days. If frozen can last 5 months " reiterated Bustamante.

is elementary that when you decide to buy chicken, is directed at known sites and verify that the butchers are at least basic standards of food safety and handling as good hygiene of the establishment, "shopkeepers should your fingernails short and clean hands or gloves should keep cutting tools clean and bear meat white uniform and cap mouths "suggested Alexander Castillo, a butcher of Central Meats Veleñita.
Once you have food at home should wash externally and internally with plenty of water. Taking into account the above recommendations, you can cook the chicken to your liking, in whole or in pieces, fried, roasted, stewed, steamed or grilled, it is important to prevent disease and poisoning.

Remember that if you find inconsistencies in any facility in Bogotá, Public Stage gives you the opportunity to denounce or leave comments.

Writer: Cindy Castiblanco Herrera