Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clear Mucus 5 Days Before Period

Conozca las medidas de salubridad que toman los socios de Asocebu - Entrevista

The Colombian Association of Zebu Breeders ( Asocebu ) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the development and breeding zebu breeds (Brahman, Gyr, and Guzerá Nelore) and their crosses. Also visit farms regularly to advise partners in the management of animals in such areas as nutrition, production, reproduction, selection and programming of the herds.

On Thursday, March 5 spoke with Ariel Jiménez, Coordinator of Research and Development and Ricardo Asocebu Suarez, Technician Health Plan of the entity; about the quality and care of the herds that have an agreement with them, and inquired about the health programs and disease control in cattle herds made to its partners.

Public Stage: What is the process of raising cattle and when they are ready to be slaughtered?

Ariel Jiménez: The process is very long, given all the care that must be taken especially when the calf is so tiny, then comes the development, growth and finally, an ideal animal in Colombia to be sacrificed on average, is between 450 and 480 kilos, ideally that this animal was 24 months. To the extent that weight is reached at a younger age, it will be much better because it will be better quality meat.

Public Stage: What are the calf's care?

Ricardo Suarez: Begins at the time the calf is born, be born in a convenient location, clean, where the cow has good food and especially that at the time of birth have someone to help the delivery , clean it and ensure that it takes about 3 or 4 liters of "colostrum" during the first 6 hours of life. Colostrum is the first Cow milk is then and is that going to carry the defense in the first months of life, because the calf during development itself is not capable of forming a solid immunity.
should also be careful with the healing of the navel from the time of delivery until after 5 days because of his healing depends on the health of the calf, as this is a very vulnerable point of entry for diseases. Later, he must carry out the plans for vaccination, worming and parasite control, to be carried throughout the life of the calf on the farm, which are very short cycle and are dependent on land where the ranch is located.

Public Stage: What are the requirements for a bovine meat is of good quality?

Ariel Jiménez: One of the characteristics that mark the quality of the meat or at least the perception of consumers is the tenderness of the meat, it depends on several things within them the age of sacrifice the animal. You can also play an important role feeding, genetics within the same race, because it can determine the amount of fat cover should have the animal at slaughter (recommended to be between 3 or 4 mm ) is especially important when you pray will process cold in the refrigerator because the cold prevents direct affect carcasses downgraded color and ripening.

Public Stage: What are the safety measures they should take refrigerators at the time of sacrificing the animal?

Ariel Jiménez: Basically what is given to cattle before slaughtering is a minimum period of quarantine is 6 hours when the animals have traveled long distances or but 12 hours from the time the animal come until it is slaughtered. In order that bovine fecal matter and remove all intestinal contents at the time of slaughter can contaminate meat. Also for animal welfare should be given only access to water.

Public Stage: What are the most common diseases that occur in animals?

Ricardo Suarez: The diseases are many and are listed in official control diseases are notifiable and that they affect cattle are highly infectious and therefore generate large economic losses, among them are the FMD, tuberculosis, brucellosis and rabies. The non-official control and that affect more productivity are symptomatic coal, coal bacteridiano, BVD, IBR, the lectospirosis and pasterela.
Ariel Jiménez: The most common are pneumonia and bovine viral diarrhea are caused by different viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Public Stage: What to do when an animal is infected with brucellosis?

Ricardo Suarez: The animal must go to slaughter, is a disease with no cure, which is notifiable and that the current method Control and Prevention says that when an animal is positive must go to slaughter.

Public Stage: After sacrificing the animal what to do with meat?

Ricardo Suarez:

is a sacrifice as any other cattle, just when an animal is positive for brucellosis this is a special format that reads positive for brucellosis, animal identification, the sex and age. Within the schedule of the refrigerator, usually the last stop when they are not going to happen to other cattle, but the flesh is the same for human consumption.

Public Scenario: Is there no risk that the bacteria can affect the person consuming this meat?

Ricardo Suarez: No, the bacteria is very labile and sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so the milk can be sold when the animals are positive, if it is subjected to a pasteurization process. And others, such as tuberculosis, meat unfit for human consumption, but that meat is sent to consumer depending on the degree of injury of bovine tuberculosis if until now you are starting the current legislation allows the meat go to processes industrial.

Public Stage: What to do with the meat if it is contaminated with FMD?

Ricardo Suarez: health rifle and that there should be incinerated flesh that is as convenient and as indicated, and when for reasons of logistics is not possible to incinerate the meat should be buried, but on no account can be carried for consumption.

Made by: Natalia Pinilla Marquez


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