Monday, February 28, 2011

Is A Chest Infection Infectious

+ 10 reasons why you should be well Tuite blog

triage blog The Watchtower . I hope you like it or at least you have sintais the blog and twitter it with some points you may agree. Can not remember who I read that tweet makes vague that the blogger, and I think it is a truism.

1. Because sometimes you have to say something with more than 140 characters
2. Because sometimes you have to bind a precise word, or more than four or five links
3. Because it is easier to find you said in your own blog that what you said on Twitter
4. Because when you pass a day or two, people still go to your blog entry, while no one remembers your twit. If the home has also seen
5. Because you can categorize, label, group, and combine different forms twenty blog entries
6. Because you can write to it and thus have interesting things to announce at Twitter
7. Because blogs are for ten years, giving the rod, and Twitter remaining 90 days (for some measure of days on some planet)
8. Because the fail-hog of blogs appears much less frequently than the fail-whale of Twitter (especially this weekend)
9. Because people are still not on Twitter (not much, but there), but look for things on the internet and can fall into your blog
10. Because blogging is less tiring story every 2-3 days every day
400 twits

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Trailer Wiring Diagram Nz

+ My smoke: To be or not to be ...

"Tonight, 0:01, born a new nation. The demon drink it will. It starts an era of clear thinking and clean manner. The slums will soon be a thing of the past. Prisons and Correctional be empty, the transform into barns and factories. All men will walk upright, smile all the women and laugh all children. Forever closed the gates of hell "

This speech was delivered by Senator Volstead very in socialist times U.S. following the enactment of the so-called" dry law . The Yankees were not the first Democrats to believe that solving a problem with the ban, not the past. probe straight line but as we know it is not always the shortest path. In any event, without going into detail about what happened in the decade of the twenty, we can see some similarity between the nonsense emanating from politicians in these and other times when illuminated celestially the laborious task rush correct design and public habits, sometimes health, other social. Surely

for all well-meaning they do not want to smell of snuff or those living obsessed healing of our beloved meat have closed the gates of hell, or because they believe that hell may dwell within us, or rather , them. Ah, yes, that much Volstead but I forgot to tell you that I thought of snuff ...

Aside from my bad smoke, I say, I thought on Wednesday after leaving my cigar at the entrance to a bar in what the state we had come to steal, because there was no room for discussion, conciliation between mature human beings. If I walk into a bar I will not shut down and shut up. My companions as well. No more, to discern if you chose bar smoking or smoke-free table. Sometimes my friends were asking the waiter to please table smoking, others it was I who were required to smoke free putting my two cents on the coexistence of the group.

All that was left behind when the Leviathan has decided to shirk another portion of our agency tipex eliminating the innate ability humans have to work, work and live with each other. More than once I have said does not believe in individual responsibility knowing intolerable that humans are not responsible. Without going through the minds of I. Berlin, it is normal for people to understand the responsibility of that mode when not conceive of society as a union of free human but as sims whose fate can only be understood through the prism of a game where your life, liberty has no value. Today

not cry for the property violated the bar owners for economic losses, so we remove any prohibition law, which is something because it's everything I cry just because I can not choose my friends for his generosity, by their nature, I can not see them interact, and how far me, his left hand because it has robbed us the State. Eligible? In this verb, with the original meaning, we have two television news.

sure many of you are happy with this way of life where you assembly line cans, polishes and direct your fate. Many others, of course not. For the many, and included so many non-smokers aware with-my-free, no. For all of us, lost to you in the circles of Dante's hell, this world is getting grayer, even Friday!:

"For me go to the city of tears, for me it is the eternal pain, for me it comes to where they do not dwell have salvation, justice sublime encouraged my architect, I made the divine authority, The Supreme Wisdom and Love before first there was nothing that I created, with the exception of the immortal, and I last forever. Ye who enter, abandon all hope! "

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Smtp Server Response 554 Spam

+ Gaddafi, ZP and Aznar

0 differences. Yes, I have not eaten 1:

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

What To Write In A Hen's Party Card

+ The day our daily 23F ... Deja vu

, 2009 In this graph we can see composition CGPJ , what Vizcaino Casas picked as the General Council of Judicial Fuck your damn stories. A no politician is concerned that there Expana effective separation of powers, because they are precisely those who dominate the judiciary, guaranteeing that end up behind bars in Spain Gürtel, pheasants, Wales and other trash in our party politics.

here I pay homage and tribute to all those thousand judges left, right, independent daily protest against this system that mocks the law. Men of law, men of honor ...

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 Hr Walk In Clinic Toronto


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Installing Onyx Tiles In Shower

+ + Let the blogger Yoani Sánchez leave the country to collect his award in Spain

No promises, among other things because as you know the usual promise every time you return to this place then I do not follow what was said, "but I say, again, that I will try to resume the blog. Just promise to lead as always if I succeed. If I succeed, I say, redundaré.

And as I'm lazy because of Twitter, I simply paste here today, what we commonly know as the execution of foreign material, and in the absence of a few minutes for Real Madrid expires at Lyon super Mou, a request for Yoani Sánchez help to collect the prize IREDA's suggestion to bring I. Saavedra :

The next day will take place February 25 in Burgos Award ceremony Ired a journalist living in Havana Yoani Sánchez. The award recognizes his work as one of the most famous bloggers in English. So far so good if it were not can not attend the delivery of their prize. The Cuban authorities will not let her leave the country towards Spain to reward your blog, from which harshly criticizes the Cuban reality. Still time to ask the Ambassador of Cuba in Spain to make appropriate representations to allow him to travel.

Sanchez and won the Ortega y Gasset in Spain for digital journalism for her blog, which is now recognized for its originality, effectiveness and impact on social networks. But Cuban blogger has now denounced his Twitter account, which has more than 100,000 fans, the Cuban authorities withheld his passport and can not make travel arrangements.

This is one of their latest tweets:
# Cuba # GY Another day passes and authorities did not give me back my passport. Remote chance of going to Burgos Social Networking Conference

pressures on the Embassy of Cuba in Spain to allow him to leave his country. We still have time you can collect your prize if we make noise around you. Sign and spread this news. There is little time for the ceremony, which will be Feb. 25 in Burgos. Action!

More information:

Blog Yoani Sánchez Twitter # / yoanisanchez

prevent Cuban officials attending Ired Yoani Sánchez

pd. If not followed this blog, know that we do not piss or phrases guardiola colony as pretty as Lasalle or Valdano.

pd2. I ask again to insult trolls promptly, I also need your help to motivate me!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Reply Interview Email

+ # Leysinde If you vote do not vote

2.0 Freedom has launched a campaign aimed primarily Twitter intended to tell the 3 parties (PP, PSOE and CiU) which will approve the liberticidio that if they vote the first final provision of the LES, the Internet did not vote for them.

If you go to the web packet can send tweets to the Mamluks to seek approval in two days the law of censorship to the network.

not cost you anything to give it a few times a click on your mouse and can be a great idea to tease and politicians. Who become aware of opposition to the project "Ménard said. Via


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