Thursday, December 16, 2010

Strong Pulse In Stomach?

+ Freedom 2.0 requests citizen alarm status

... Requests / we:

Platform "Freedom 2.0" has issued a statement by showing their anger at the government's intention to adopt José Luis Rodríguez Sinde the "Law" imposes an internet thought police "without discussion.

The next day 21 Sustainable Economy Act and with it his second additional provision may be approved by the full House of Representatives and be sent to the Senate. The government intends to pass this bill in Congress through the so-called "full legislative power," which would nullify the opposition amendments could introduce in the Senate, which has led to Freedom 2.0 to ensure that "the Internet must declare a state of alarm the government wants to restrict our rights and freedoms."

2.0 Liberty spokeswoman pointed out that Law Sinde the government removes the conflicts between private individuals, which is the case of litigation SGAE vs Internet, the civil / commercial, for "siding with one party, granting privileges to quasi-monopolistic private companies to citizens. " Private companies are reluctant to remold its "outdated management models of intellectual property rights" whose existence Freedom 2.0 not only does not deny but defends.

According to the spokesman for Liberty 2.0, the government created by the Second Section of the Law Sinde, a political body whose members are appointed by politicians, "a real thought police in the network." SGAE no longer have to go to court, so it will get rid of paying the costs of procedures that until now were losing. "It is sufficient that the SS decides that a site should be closed. The violation of fundamental rights such as freedom of expression should be challenged by the Internet that they have time, desire and money, to the Litigation Division of the High Court, "he complained. "No remains unclear how solve the problem of access to personal data private by the political commissars "he said.

2.0 To Freedom "the infamous Minister González-Sinde, before you leave, you leave insured feudal privileges of his cronies."

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Howlong Before Mirtazapineworks

+ Wikileaks. ZP supporting dictators, blowing the EU

Because I sold it and our beloved intergalactic leader, was the president who freed us from the right, and rights that brought us closer to Europe. The cable revealed by Wikileaks shows that Spain has tried to lift the veto of the Union to sell European armaments (not pears or apples) communist regime. That is, demonstrated the kind Zapatero, in addition to providing guns to Chavez, has tried for years to place our country, a western democracy, as a supplier of arms of the communist regimes. Other than that, their movements undermined the image of European foreign policy. "There is nothing right? :

stop Spain ordered the lifting of the embargo on China

USA was launched immediately to curb Moratinos. The Hillary Clinton department heads sent to all its embassies to the 27-member European Union cutting wire (249 230). "We need to all embassies to reaffirm the EU governments that the U.S. remains firmly opposed to any lifting of the embargo. Lift it up would have serious implications for security and stability in the Pacific region. In terms of human rights has ignored the Chinese government in recent months international concerns on specific issues as evidenced by the harsh sentence to 11 years in prison for Liu Xiaobo and execution of British citizen Shaikh Akmal ".


Moratinos movement and its ambassador in China caused many misgivings in their European partners. Alexander McLachlan, the political adviser of the EU representation in China, it is clear, according to confidential cable (246 194): "Some EU members are upset. The English ambassador to China has given the unfortunate impression that there exploitable differences between EU members on the issue of arms embargo . "Spain is looking for advantages at the expense of other members of the EU '. Maclahan believes that the consequences in the relationship with the U.S. and the wrath of Europeans for the treatment of human rights in China are too great to ignore. "

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Burn A Mount And Blade Image

+ History of Christmas in the digital age

Very good, via Jmguardia :

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kates Playground Dead

+ "Assange? "Wikileaks? What about the millions of Cubans?

"Cuban? And the Venezuelans, Koreans, Iranians, Chinese, Moroccan, Saharan and all that much more ... which account for hundreds of millions of repressed people in the world? I remember them all today, hours after the day of human rights for UN . Day used by the Western left to make good his slogan of anything goes against America and capitalism but intentionally ignoring what your left and Islam. I leave a picture of some that do are heroes, Cuban exiles in Spain who remember every day of the year that are screwed to turn away from our borders.

The Facebook profile Cuba Democracy Now you can see some more pictures, here the video of yesterday proclaiming the good Rigoberto Carceller :

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Maybelline Mousse Blush Soft Plum Swatch

+ Digital Freedom CIU Why not nazionale? Out of control

This is not my classic wake-up call to the companions of Liberty Digital by a slip, but by a slap on the wrist, because now we op-ed published as pamphlets PP in which we try to sneak that CIU is not nationalist. Well, nothing, tomorrow meted on the payroll to another CIU tell us is liberal, and in addition unrepentant fascists and liberals, Rajoy will give you more pasta and maybe some reader pillais La Vanguardia:

first thing note is that, contrary to what one might think, the independence movement back. If the legislature just completed twenty-one members were ERC independence, radicalism today is represented only by the ten members of ERC and four of the Solidarity of Laporta, who-ironies that life has "mixed group will share with Albert Rivera and the other two C's elected. If we add the three seats of Citizens Popular Party eighteen never see that non-nationalist vote has been higher than elections.

Obviously, the fragmentation of non-nationalist vote has a cost. His division has facilitated CiU has gone up from 60 seats and allows them to add to ERC a possible radical nationalist majority on issues of national identity. It is not the first time happens: in the municipal elections of 2007, C's took in Barcelona a few votes that did not give any councilor but provided you follow rule Hereu four years.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Cutting The Silver Cordastroprojection

Valmont As I said last night, this seems one of the films I like to me, with soldiers at airports, mass hysteria and anti-hero Pepinho Willis. Private drivers on strike, and public building on the crisis to sneak into the towers. We could stay with Die Hard 2, "but you do not know Off control, with John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton? One of the drivers, but no shots, a priori:

The only news we lack the zombies, which are those voters who still rely on Zapatero, or the apocalyptic future that in our case comes in a few months with the pen. You have to refinance the government guarantees to banks, buf.

I'm going to Soria.

Pd. Raise the tax on snuff. I pull the rifle.

Pd. The Moroccans arriving in Ceuta and Melilla. Arístegui agbar Allah!

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