From Public School "The Canal", we wish you happy holidays. We hope that you celebrate in the company of your loved ones.
come the three kings bearing gifts insurance and sorpresas.
Pero, sabemos los padres, qué tipo de video juegos piden nuestros hijos...
Si queréis saber si son recomendables para ellos y aptos para la edad de cada niño-a os recomendamos leáis la siguiente gúia de video-juegos (PDF) colgada en la web protégeles.com , con multitud de recomendaciones y consejos que velan por la seguridad de los más pequeños de la casa.
PROTEGELES es una Asociación sin ánimo de lucro que surge como organización en el año 2002.
Estos son algunos links que podemos encontrar en dicha web:
Navegación segura: chaval.red.es
Learn to use the Internet: network squeezing
Other pages related to bullying and the problem of anorexia and treatment are also included in this web.
They were also informed parents of students, that all information of activities is available for consultation in Giving Blogs created by the Internet addresses of which are:
http : / / elmejorsextob.blogspot.com
The meeting was attended by the following persons: Fernando López Márquez, Maria Isabel Gamero Pérez, M ª José Pérez López, Dolores Martín, Milagros Fernández Inés Ríos, Manuel León Mejías, Ana Candelaria Morales Guerrero Francisca Rodriguez Gutierrez and Maria Carmen Garcia.
This activity has been developed on the occasion of March 8th, International Day of Working Women, which has sought to sensitize the students about the importance of the work done many women as unpaid workers at home, sharing in some cases double and triple days. It has also been able to see the little incorporation of parents with domestic work.