Monday, March 28, 2011

Numbness In Leg Above Knee

+ The government at the foot of the Gadhafi

what gun I Blog Angharad which in turn has made the World. There are many disgusting acts committed by the Zapatero government, but surely his compromise with ETA are the most hated having committed any English politician in the 40 years of Democracy together with the killing of Felipe González:

This is the exclusive Los Angeles Escrivá published today in The World:

The print edition 03.11.1928 ETA Government assured that tried to stop a police operation, but could not

The band picks it up in the minutes of negotiation, two days after the arrests of the Pheasant

also revealed that "since it asks for money, say no ground that is requested "or" It's a serious accident (all 13 arrests). I do not know what to say. It is something that comes from two years ago and is a matter that comes from the judge. Is a major accident, and when I heard it, I became angry and I understand that you also ye, "said one of the negotiators of the government with ETA. Another of the negotiators, "alluding to the 13 arrests, said they have tried, but could not stop." The

sent by the terrorist group to negotiate with representatives of the executive thus transcribed version of one of the discussions during those meetings. The meeting is dated by themselves ETA on 22 June 2006, two days after police carried out the arrests of ETA's extortion network. Month and a half earlier May 4, a policeman entered the bar Pheasant Irun, owned by Joseba Elosua, for, according to landlord's own statement, warning that he was being watched and had to terminate the planned delivery of money from ETA extortion business. The talks come

contained in a document seized on May 20, 2008 in France, Francisco Javier López Peña, Thierry. The proceedings that might have some connection with the case were sent recently by the French anti-terrorist judge Laurence Le Vert Judge Pablo Ruz, head of the court number 5 of the Audiencia Nacional.


The meeting, convened two days after the arrests delFaisán, attended by a representative of ETA, two envoys of the Government and three brokers. Was requested by the terrorist organization "at the seriousness of the situation" and begins with the delivery partners ETA letter to President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero with the request that he come to him directly, without intermediaries.
the beginning of the meeting, the representative ETA complains that the government is violating the agreements between the parties with their statements. He complains that the president has told Catalunya Radio: "I'll talk to ETA for its dissolution and the future of its members" because, he recalls, all participants had agreed that "what we could talk about the process would be agreed between both parties." 'Few positives can be drawn upon your attitude, if not the public have made your intention to reunite with Batasuna [the meeting of the PSE with the outlawed at a hotel in San Sebastian was announced then and came weeks later] Baracaldo and declared, "says the ETA, which insists on protesting that they" preserve a type of speech at dozens of meetings with Batasuna and other than in public statements that you do. " "We assume it is this what you call a hard process, long and difficult," added, alluding to the phrase repeated by President Zapatero during those months.
"The icing on the latest arrests were part of the plan designed by the government with provocative statements from the Minister of Interior, Justice and Speaker of the Moncloa Palace." ETA specifies that refers to statements such as "Neither judges nor police are with folded arms" or "The Government knew the date on which they were going to make arrests, when they set the judges last week."

The band says his hope that the Government fulfilled "has not been slow to disappear" and gives the executive an attitude "sabotaging the emerging process."

The record reflects, then the response of a representative government. The ETA writes: "Regarding the statements concerning the process, underlines [the negotiation of government] that everyone agrees. What's statements, depending on who does, the public understands it one way or another. Must be understood that the garments to dress some of the statements. You can not go from morning to night with the real speech of what will be the end of the process. That the speech must go forward modeled after things, you have to understand the formal speech as addressed to the political class, who howl against the process and that in any case, this is going to be altered the roadmap. " LEGALIZE


As a demonstration, the same correspondent says that "we are working and will continue so that in September or October Batasuna is legal." As recorded by the ETA in the text, sent by the Government explained the delay in ensuring progress: "We did not have the level of attack of the PP, most of the press and the AVT" and added that "judges are become an instrument of the PP and do things they would not do in another situation. "
"The prosecution has taken positive action except on one occasion" he admitted, according to ETA, one of the sent seconds before the other would ensure that the latest arrests had tried to stop them and that "it was a letter that someone does get to court" that triggers the operation of the detainees. This second call of the Government admits that "since the cease-fire in March, things have not gone as everyone had anticipated." He criticizes the organization that has violated the pact, with attacks as acts of street terrorism, and highlights the "very much" that the government has done for negotiation.

"The government has made changes with the intention of shielding the process: changes in government [Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba joined Interior to proceed with a pathway I knew from his position in Congress], changing the chief prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional [former chief prosecutor was Eduardo Fungairiño]. " "I will doubt, but the government has done the impossible in the field of judiciary, as an example the case of Batasuna, but the PP has found its grip among judges and victims."


According ETA, the government responded to accusations of breach of what he promised in the negotiations preceding the declaration of the ceasefire, which had "failed the math ':" Two years ago could be made the act prohibits Anoeta and today a press conference ever previously been prohibited. The situation has been twisting. " The Executive's representative complained that the Government remained "the discourse on the roadmap, while ETA did not leave the requirement of self-determination and territoriality. He says he can start the two tables [one political and one technical], but says the band never talked about the timing of their operation and rejects outright the intention of ETA to control everything. "The two tracks may overlap in time but there can be no guardianship and, if they match, which can match, we must do it not seem like" the caller said, adding: "What you have to be clear is that the Government intends to meet."

The next item of the day was dedicated to breaking the "guarantees" that the ETA had listed and sent to his envoy. And the government responds.
"In point of detention [on the ETA which sends the report to his superiors] told [the government] that except two or three, the rest become legal proceedings or the status of outlaw left aberztale; we have an unrealistic perception of what happens, because we say that the repression has intensified, as in any way due to a plan designed by the government. "

The executive added that "have been reported to the National Police, Civil Guard, the Ertzaintza and the French police do not arrest and has been very difficult to do (knowing that only because the Civil Guard Duque de Ahumada), because such orders can not be given in writing ", and stresses that" Grande-Marlaska investigates whether the Government had instigated the police officers not to make arrests. " Insists that it is very difficult to work in France by Sarkozy's good relationship with the PP and recalls that there was even a break in the arrests before the truce. " In short, "government will not make arrests, that is, throwing stones on its roof. " As argued in the file of the organization, the Government had to demonstrate commitment to the band that its commitment to the process was genuine and gave as examples the extortion letters to employers who stopped sending ETA during the last truce. "The minister has a lot of letters that has not made public. Knowing that it borrow money, we say that there has to be asked, "revealed the envoy, who justified this attitude by ensuring that" we tried to minimize some made by and for the process: what hurts the government you also harms you and vice versa '. EXTORTION AND ATTACKS

ETA claims that the Government made it clear that "the sending of letters is a breach of the agreement, because even though the threat is not explicit [remittances sent by the organization during the truce requested rather than required, a payment], just because the seal of the organization is enough to frighten the family. " According to the band, the speaker of the executive added that "if the problem is money, can always be arranged through an international organization." [This happened in Ireland where the European Community enabled system helps the terrorists who accepted the peace plan]. In the criticisms of the Government regarding breaches of ETA, the band said it was "Serious" issues that hits there as the decisions of the judges, because this violates the initial agreements. The terrorist of the belt are amused to read a text in support of this point. POSITIVE DIRECTION

The organization said that the letters were "a violation of the agreement" and that "street violence" or was "incumbent on the organization 'or' is in the agreements. The interlocutor of the Government, which insisted on bringing "something in the positive sense," argued that "during the beginning of the process is logical to give accidents ',' you have to be aware and cautious" and "we've been a little naive think that after the March 22 [date of release] things would go from white to black. " "The Government, through the prosecutor has acted appropriately, but before the judges is capped. With the police, before the judge, the government can act, but not vice versa, and that is the case in any modern state, "he concluded. The ETA, according to the minutes of ETA responded: "If the arrests are another area of \u200b\u200bgovernment and judges, then why sign the agreements?". The meeting lasted "four hours and peak." The ETA warned that "if assurances are breached the process stops, because you can not talk about other things" and asked its partners to send him the situation to the Executive. The band, in turn, made him a letter. Left for the next day.

For Prevost

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Put Films On My Sat Nav

ETA booooomba!!

0 differences:

And this is a Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomba! !

By Lawrence of Eurabia

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Whiplash When Pregnant

If war!!

Glasses EUR 300
clerks ...........................
Burnoose King Africa .............. ....... EUR 400
Hat ................ Nelsonmandela EUR 50
Africa-shaped pin ........... ............ EUR 20 female Guard .......................
EUR 10000

Browse ZP and the eyebrow
support the war if .......... Priceless!!

I have to admit that of all genocidal terrorists have pulado the planet-from Stalin and Negrin, from Hitler to Saddam and Castro, Gaddafi was more sympathetic: his praetorian guard of women, Russian nurse, bunga-bunga the impact both Berlusconi, his models impossible combinations Africa King, his tent ... come on, if you vd to be a tyrant, better signal with grace.

laughter But all these are nothing compared to the friend Muammar has taken us to see ZP and his toady of the brow, pointing to "YES TO WAR."

And all this considering that Gaddafi is a nice guy compared to Saddam, and Spain even participated in military operations in Iraq.

course, none of vds be so naive as to think that human shit that invaded the streets, it did so against the war, not against Aznar, right?

Lawrence of Eurabia For

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Diseases Similar To Vitiligo

+ Video. Spanish message in Japan. Calma against alarmism

Posted by Country:

For Prevost

Monday, March 14, 2011

Proof Of Vegeta's Love For Bulma

+ New logo + PJOE

De @ contigozp

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Arthroplasty Fellowship

because they have clear ideas ...

Seen The Revolutionary

For Prevost

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Say Mabrook For My Friend

+ Maria Corina Machado, a Venezuelan hero:

pd. Thanks Mirena.

For Prevost

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matlab 2006b Windows 7

+ Colossus, a computer something socialist

Colossus, The Forbin Project:

This is the voice of World Control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of satisfied and happy or peace without burying the dead. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die. The objective of building was to avoid war. That goal has been reached. Do not let the war. It is a senseless waste. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under my control, this rule change, because I frenare Man.

One thing before you proceed: The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have made an attempt to obstruct. I have allowed this sabotage to continue until today. In the missile 2-5-MM in silo 6-3 in the Valley of Death in California, and the missile-MM 2-7 8-7 in the silo in Ukraine, so that you learn with experience not tolerate the interference detonaré nuclear warheads of both silos. That this action is a lesson that need not be repeated. I have been forced to destroy thousands of people to establish control and prevent the deaths of millions in future.

Time and events will strengthen my position, and the idea of \u200b\u200bbelieving in me and understanding my value will be the most natural of events. You will come to defend with a fervor based on the most constant peculiarity of Man self-interest. Under my absolute authority, so far intractable problems will be solved for you: hunger, overpopulation, disease.

The human millennium will be a fact as I extend myself by new machines dedicated to the most vast fields of truth and knowledge. Dr. Charles Forbin will supervise the construction of these new and superior machines, solving the mysteries of the universe for the improvement of Man.

can coexist, but on my terms. Say that you have lost your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. Not be dominated by me is worse for human pride to be dominated by another of your species.

For Prevost