Friday, February 16, 2007

Best Song For College Reunion

WE MOVE: Farewell to our old "BLOG"

ADIOS our blog.

From this moment, we are in our new blog, hosted on Community Blogs Educastur .

From our new space, we continue to enjoy your company.

We will try to continue to provide the best services to the public school community "The Canal." All our activities, news and comments, you can follow at our new address.

Our new address ng is:

There you expect, a GREETING

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ovulation Stomach Pain

The "Climate Change" at the carnival E. Child

This time, the reason for CARNIVAL , which prepare the student @ s infant, for the next Friday, February 16, will "CLIMATE CHANGE."

Through the eyes of a cute polar bear called "Nica", see what does climate change on the planet and especially what can we do to improve the health of this precious world we inhabit.

From the perspective of hope and with a nod of sympathy, prepare costumes related to this subject.

celebrate the carnival parade in the school playground on Friday 16 in the afternoon. You are invited to attend.

We propose these links on the topic:

- interactive activity on climate change
- interactive resource on the subject
- activities related to recycling
- " how I can help my planet" games and activities

Friday, February 9, 2007

Oral Thrush And Coffee


just received some pictures of "Painting Competition Outdoor Relief."

are made near the spring and as you can noted there was considerable participation.

thank the "photographer" courtesy.

You can see the images here .

Friday, February 2, 2007

Bad Credit Credit Card

Fiestas del Socorro: "Children's Painting Competition XXXVII outdoor"

The Saturday 3 February at 10:00 h, we celebrate the XXXVII edition of the traditional contest painting outdoors, near the pier of Luanco (in case of rain will be held in the council of the church), for all school council.

In this way, we fix the program activities of the parties, which organized the competition for Tuesday, February 7.

encouraged from here to all contestants and congratulations to the winners!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kate Plays Ground Filmy

Twinning Luanco Saint Gilles Croix de Vie ": We present our drawings in France

View "Saint Gilles Croix de Vie"

occasion of the twinning in our town, " Luanco " with the French "Saint Gilles Croix de Vie "alumn @ s the second and third year of primary school, we made several drawings of landmarks of our people.

The Department of Culture Luanco will select the best works, to be exposed and covered by the French town. Similarly the best works of our comrades s @ s "Saint Gilles Croix de Vie" will be displayed here in Luanco.

Thus, WE SHALL JOIN know better ties and different 'corners' of both towns, yes, set out from the point of view of a Niñ @ s @ s @ s like us.

Information on "Saint Gilles Croix de Vie":

- Official tourism site
- Web Vendée Township

Monday, January 29, 2007

How Tell Good Binoculars


Last Friday we celebrated the "DAY DE LA PAZ " in our school.
students and third cycles, also participated in the " Race Solidarity " in collaboration with the NGO Save the Children" , in support of children in Ethiopia.

was an evening of fun and a lot of "feeling".
activities started with the "Race Solidarity". Then we have the company of a sensational juggler that got started a lot of applause ... then hung on the gate school a lot of flags PEACE decorated for us @ s mism @ s full of best wishes to our neighbors and the world in which inhabit. Flapping in the wind, we hope these messages reach all corners of the planet ...

The day ended all together singing the song "Viva la Gente."

You can see the pictures from this day here .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Path Of Uniform Width


about to celebrate " DAY OF PEACE" hang the goodbye song that the activities planned for that day.

A giant circle of solidarity and peace, sing the song ready in the Music Classroom "Up with People ." In this way we can remember what the words are in our homes.


" This morning, walking,
with people I met.
The postman, the milkman, the policeman waved

Behind each window and door
recognize that many people before
even saw her.

's there wherever you go. Viva
is what we like best.
With more people in favor of people,
in every people or nation.
people would be less difficult
and more people with heart.
people would be less difficult
and more people with heart.

Within each
there is a good and bad, do not let
any maltrete

Treat them as they are and fight to be
men and women
God wanted them to be.

's there wherever you go. Viva
is what we like best. "


Kidney Infection And Discharge


already have the" official picture "of the visit students in grades 5 and 6 performed at the General Meeting of the Principality of Asturias.

You can see it here with more quality .

Monday, January 22, 2007

Pokemon Deluge Legendary Map


I have a few days to get the parties luanquinas the "Stmo. Cristo del Socorro ", and with them the traditional "cross" to be held in the Luanco February 4.

This time we will celebrate the XXVIII Relief Cross Memorial Jenaro Diego Fernández " (luanquín teacher and lover of sports, we always agree), plus the VIII Carrera Popular" Candás-Luanco ".

Registration is free runs through February 3 at 12:00 at the Polideportivo de Luanco (tel-985 883 535) and also in the direction .
There are different categories, tours and awards, the organization will provide to interested parties.

From here we can only encourage tod @ s who wish to participate.

No Subutex Script Over Christmas


are already a few days for students @ s of our cole can enjoy the "White Week" in the facility Valgrande-Pajares.

Finally, it appears that snow will come and facilities of the station will be operating normally. And this year, winter was doing to pray (climate change apart). A temporary cold starts visiting us and assures us a great days skiing and covivencia with comrades and professor @ s.

The output is Sunday January 28 at 17:30 pm

The arrival is Friday February 2, at approximately 17:30 h.

baggage and recommendations for a trip, have already been pointed out by accompanying teachers.

Now only ... Enjoy the snow!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Cherokee Dance Mapouka


the 26th of January, our school held DAY OF PEACE.

We have organized several proposals with our students-as-as to try to get the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, peaceful coexistence and respect among different people, will end some day be a reality. Meanwhile we continue to "sow" in an attempt to reap the best values \u200b\u200bin our children-as they will be the adults and leaders of tomorrow.

One proposal to make that day will be our school's participation in the solidarity campaign organized by the NGO Save The Children "" KILOMETERS SOLIDARITY . This time, with thoughts on disadvantaged children in Ethiopia in a country ravaged by drought and famine.

try to bring a bit with our effort, so that boys and girls this country can get a little of our help.

To this end, we will hold a joint race, where every child will look different "sponsors" (parents, grandparents, uncles, friends ...) to sponsor the miles runs (every mile will be represented by a lesser distance, covered in a symbolic way, for example, a kilometer is a lap around the yard-).
dorsal Each participant will carry a special "Save the Children" during the race. Finally receive a Diploma certifying their participation in the third race, "Miles of Solidarity" Save the Children.

Each sponsor has to decide how much money to give per mile. Each sponsor will be listed on the "road runner" who will each child. The school officially sealed in the "road runner", the distance traveled by each student-a, for sponsors to check the efforts of its sponsors.
Once the race meeting collected money from sponsors, it submitted to the Centre, which in turn is responsible for getting it to "Save the Children."

This seems a great idea to promote the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, because with our personal effort in the race and support of our family, we will not only a day of fun and sport but also for reflection, remembering children like us who live with great difficulties, but that surely appreciate any help we can provide.

addition to this activity will also make other peace-related activities: songs, games, making decorative ribbons with messages of peace ... and also have the presence of a great "juggler" .

These activities will be held on Friday 26 January in the afternoon. Of course, families are invited to participate in the DAY OF PEACE with us and encourage us in our Career Development.

explanatory of the College Program on this day (click here PDF )

  • Established in 1919, Save the Children "is now the largest NGO dedicated to children (for more click here ).
  • If you want to know more about the project Race Solidarity "Miles of Solidarity" in its English edition III click here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wedding Welcome Message


"The day came in Idhún astral conjunction of three suns and three moons, the Necromancer Ashran seized power on this planet. In our world, a warrior and a mage exiles Idhún have formed the Resistance, to which also belong to Jack and Victoria, two boys born on Earth ... "

With this intriguing argument, beginning the first part of the "Memoirs of Idhún" the archi-popular trilogy Laura Gallego which soon became a real bestseller among the children and young people almost in the style of "Harry Potter."

In Memoirs of Idhún " has created an authentic universe, almost parallel to ours, where the actors and the worlds they visit, so passionate about his young readers that more than bookstores announced the sale of a new part of this saga, it overflowed access to points of sale, with very long queues of teenagers eager to buy one of these books.
From this blog you recommend any book by this young writer of only twenty-nine, which has revolutionized the literary scene English with an interesting and prolific work.
themed books of his childhood and youth are
  • "The Postman of Dreams (A story for children the postman every night fly from window to window, leaving letters containing beautiful dreams ...).
  • "A Ghost in trouble" (A children's story about ogres and ghosts, recommended for children aged 5-6 years).
  • "The special watch collector" (A fantastic journey through the mysterious Hidden City).

he will find more information on its website (which already has over half a million hits.)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Does Bonjela Once Work


was renewed AMPA board of the school.

From this "blog" the new president takes the opportunity to send a press presentation and participation in the entire education community.

To read the statement click here .

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Happy 25th Birthday Sayings


"Children of our school Aliatar received the prince and his entourage, a few days before the holiday."
The prince picked up the letters he had written all the Kings Men. He also chatted with us and asked us if we were good ...
We gave some gifts and said goodbye to us, promising to deliver our requests to Santa Claus.
If you want to see some pictures of this special time can do so here:
- First Cycle Primary images